Forklift Training

Register for our online training after watching the preview video below

We Train and Empower

We do not just offer forklift training but help those we train to find jobs with a select group of companies that we have partnered with in this regard to help our community.

We are an OSHA certified forklift training academy and offer general training in forklift operating equipment with certification. Our training module complies with up to date OSHA requirements. Enlist in our online training program and get certified as earliest as you desire as a forklift operator. Guaranteed job placement available upon completion of our forklift certification program.

Brands Covered In Our Training

Forklift Training Preview Video

The video below is only a preview. Submit your mailing details below and register to complete our online training course to become a certified forklift operator.


We will need your full name, email address, contact phone number and current mailing address to mail out your certificate upon completion of our online forklift training. We will use this information only for this purpose. Fill the form below before proceeding to the online course.